Homemade fresh Juices are a good fiber rich healthful diet. I am a really huge fan of Juice. So I thought hard and finally chose incredible fresh fruit to make juice. Can you guess it? It’s definitely a magical fruit. You don’t need any expertise or high cost ingredients to make it. Today I’m Making passion fruit juice(maracuya drink). Making passion fruit juice(maracuya drink) in few minutes is a awesome thing. Maracuya is another name for Passion Fruit. Caribbean passion recipe can be easily made in our home.
What do you know about this fruit? I thought I may share my findings about this fruit with you. Passion fruit is a tropical fruit rich in vitamin A which is important for our skin, vision, immunity and also vitamin C which is an important antioxidant.
This fruit can easily be found in Australia, South Africa, South America and India and other tropical countries.It is very popular in Caribbean islands. We can eat pulp mixture together with seeds inside the rounded fruit and passion fruit leaves are also good for High blood pressure. Other than that some people eat fruit shell with after processing with sugar and water as a sweetener.
There are two types of Passion fruits. One is a Yellow color one and the other is a Purple one. Purple variety is more common in the American continent and smaller in size. But it is good for fresh eating because of the sweetness compared to yellow.

Ok.Let’s dig into simple steps.
Making passion fruit juice(maracuya drink) step by step
Step 1

First we need to get passion fruit pulp out from the fruit. To do that we need a cutting board,shape knife and spoon.Be careful if you are a beginner in using knives. Place passion fruit on the cutting board and steadily hold it. By using the knife cut it in half.Now you can see the fruit pulp inside it.
Step 2

Dig the pulp with seeds to a bowl using a spoon. Don’t miss anything. It’s something funny.😀
Step 3

Using a strainer, stain the pulp and collect the fresh concentrate juice into a bowl. Collecting juice from the pulp is a little bit time consuming but it gives you 100% fresh passion fruit Juice.You can use a blender and blend the pulp,water and sugar but i’m not recommend that. It will give you seeds taste along with passion juice taste.😨
Step 4

Add enough water,sugar into the concentrate passion fruit juice bowl and pour well. Add sugar for your taste.
You can buy Passion fruit from super markets in cities. It’s more common to buy two types of passion fruits at Walmart, Carrefour, Target, etc. you might be able to come across passion fruits at ethic stores such as South American, South Asian or African. Those fruits are imported to Europe and the UK from tropical countries.
Please feel free to add your comment for this recipe in the comment section further below!

Ready the passion fruits and cut each of them into two pieces.
Collect the fruit pulp of each piece to the bowl using a spoon.
Add sugar, water and a pinch of salt into the concentrate passion fruit juice bowl and mix well. If you want you can omit adding salt.
Pour into glass and add ice cubes. You can decorate the glass of juice as you want.
Ready the passion fruits and cut each of them into two pieces.
Collect the fruit pulp of each piece to the bowl using a spoon.
Add sugar, water and a pinch of salt into the concentrate passion fruit juice bowl and mix well. If you want you can omit adding salt.
Pour into glass and add ice cubes. You can decorate the glass of juice as you want.
More for juice lovers
- Mango Juice Recipe (another fantastic drink)
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